Tuesday, November 20, 2012

{Confession of Faith}

Sunday the 18th of November was a very special day. Eight young members of the Free Reformed Church of Mundijong could public profess their faith in the Triune God in front of His people. I hope and pray that God will give each one of us what we all need to stay faithful to these vows!

Here is a photo of Dad, Mum and I.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

{E & M van der Veen Family}

Once again I had a great time getting some happy snaps of another beautiful family. And what a good-looking bunch this family is! (We must be related ;)) Eric and Mary and their kids were fantastic - although the sky was looking a bit threatening, there were smiles all around. Thankfully the rain held off for a while, so we were able to get some nice family shots.