Thursday, August 14, 2014


So I've been a bit (very) quiet on here lately. I'm going to blame that on uni and just life in general! But I am happy to say that I had the pleasure of experiencing my first night out of two at a photography course. I've learnt so much already - things that I kind of already new, but just explained in more detail to help me understand the more 'technical' side of photography. Hopefully this will help me to learn how to use my camera properly and take better photos! 

I've been privileged enough to accompany a certain young, talented lady Aimee on a couple of weddings. She takes such lovely photos and I learn so much from her on these outings! As the saying goes: practice makes perfect!

Here are just a couple of photos from around the house and a recent trip down to Albany. I am hanging out for some summer weather. Even though I can't complain, seeing as our winters here in Western Australia aren't so bad as elsewhere in the world! But each season has it's own beauty so it's important to appreciate them all.

Anyhow, enough talk from me - enjoy!